“If knowledge is power, then learning is your superpower”, a super heart touched quotes by Jim Kwik which we happened to hear at YouTube ads. Indeed what Jim said is so true that whatever build around us today are all from knowledge, from younger age we already been influenced to must persuade knowledge if we wan to persuade success.

Wisdom is pile of knowledge gathered with experiences. Wisdom is what drive our live to successful. Thus, we are recommending 10 must read books for success.

1. Think and Grow Rich

Think and Grow Rich was written in 1937 by Napolean Hill which he was inspired by Andrew Carnegie (richest man during that time) to plot this self-improvement book. The content of the book is so enrich and useful where once been suspended from market (by highly influence people) during that time. This book explain all spiritually, mentally and physically how to become successful to our goals.

2. Law of Success

Another book by Napolean Hill which discussing 16 lessons on how to success in any of our desires. Unlike Think and Grow Rich, this book explain more towards mental development to overcome any blockage during challenges. This series was released as limited edition of 118 copies and was only given to most successful individuals.

3. How to Win Friends and Influence People

A self-help book written by Dale Carnegie and published in 1936, 15 millions copy been sold in worldwide. Teaching readers as what the title mentioned, with many practical ways to make people like you, to win the people with your way of thinking, how to speak, and many more.

4. See You at The Top

See You at The Top written by Zig Ziglar, teaching the readers step by step of how to climbing from bottom to the top. Starting from building up self images then to enhance relationships, goals setting, mental attitude then to desires. Many real life experience and examples given with detailed explanation.

5. Rich Dad Poor Dad

Rich Dad Poor Dad is a 1997 book written by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter. A very interesting book which taking 2 very contrast person, rich dad and the poor dad, discussing their mental attitude, their way of thinking, background, financial and many more. This book also explain financial literacy telling readers why most people are poor and only some are rich.

6. Ask and It Is Given

A book by Esther and Jerry Hicks, which presents the teaching of non-physical entity Abraham, discuss and teach the readers how to manifest desires, joy and success. To live a full-filling life that everyone deserve. This is a spiritual teaching book, emphasizes a lot on emotional guidance scale and system, to help us to be a well-being that enjoy and live a happy full-filling life.

7. Psycho Cybernetics

Psycho-Cybernetics is a self-help book written by Maxwell Maltz in 1960. The title of the book sounds like fiction story but actually it is a book that defines the mind-body connection as the main core value for every individuals succeeding in attaining personal goals or desires. Many motivational experts such as Zig Ziglar, Brain Tracy and Tony Robbins have used the techniques in the book.

These 7 books definitely will change the way we think, act and respond to align with the direction of our desire success. We do understand reading is consume a lot of time but we must keep in mind that these successful people compose their years of experiences into easy carry pages, we are so lucky able to receive the knowledge so easily.

There are much more great books out there and Life Mastermind will discover more at the time we enjoying these 7 great books, together we harvest our success and live life to fullest.

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