DMAIC is data-driven improvement cycle used for improving, optimizing and stabilizing business processes and designs used for six-sigma projects. However we found that this system is very useful for our daily life as well. Quite the same with our TPER system but the element “control” very suitable for our daily problems.

We introduce this system in Diary Series are for problem solving purposes. Problems and challenges will come forth by the period we pursuing our goal or vision. Try to solve the problems using this in very logical ways and even improve from mistakes learned. 

Define, the problem, challenges or even the target for individual and also applicable in organization. Identify and understand clearly what we dealing with.

Measure, is the step where desire input and output taken in consideration and measurement.

Analyze, is the process that identify, validate and select possible outcome that we targeting.

Improve, is where after we gathered all the data and received the outcome, identify, test and implement solution or improve for the problems.

Control, the purpose of this step is control the quality of the outcome.

Try to search for the more detail explanation of DMAIC on the internet. Apply to our daily life task and improvise. This system is meant for Six Sigma projects, to adapt normal task, we must improvise but this system allow us to think, and act in logical and systematic way.

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