Diary Series, First System – The Bell

The diagram illustrating undoubtedly is a bell. Why is it placed as the first system? Why is it a bell? We will explain slowly and deliver you a useful information.First, "The…

Diary Series, Second System – Four Squares

This Four Squares system is a self awareness system. It helps you determine your strength and your weakness. Then enhance your strength once you identified it, improve your weakness when you…

Diary Series, Third System – Ikigai

Ikigai meaning that "a reason for being" is a translation from Japanese term. Simply explain that the reason you exist in this world or the meaningful and happy life of…

Diary Series, Fourth System – Yin Yang

Yes, this is the well known Yin Yang! In Chinese philosophy, Yin and Yang is the dark and light metaphor, also describing the positive and negative. A contrary or opposite and…

Diary Series, Sixth System – Golden Circle

Golden Circle is a system proposed by great motivational speaker Simon Sinek. He generally speaking for leadership and start with why, in which taking place at every behaviour of business,…

Diary Series, Ninth System – TPER

Pinwheel, symbol of joy and sometimes we can relate to vacation. Here, we use pinwheel to represent the TPER system. TPER is a goal achievement system, we can apply it at…

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